Package com.antiaction.dns

Core classes for dis/assembling DNS messages, questions and records.


Class Summary
DNSClass DNS Class, defines the various DNS Network domains.
DNSHeader DNS header container, contains the header portion of a DNS message.
DNSMessage DNS Message, main entry point for dis/assembling DNS packets.
DNSName DNS Name, handles domainname dis/assembling (including de/compression).
DNSOpcode DNS Opcode, defines the various opcode constants.
DNSQClass DNS QClass, defines the various qclass constants.
DNSQType DNS QType constants, defines the various qtype constants.
DNSQueryOpcode DNS Query Opcode, defines the various query constants.
DNSQuestion DNS Question, dis/assembles question portions of a DNS packet.
DNSRecord DNS Record container, contains a header object and a data object.
DNSRecordHeader DNS Record Header, contains the header portion of a resource record.
DNSResponseCode DNS Response Code, defines various response constants.
DNSSectionType DNS Section Type, defines types used to retrieve records stored by their type.
DNSType DNS Type, defines the various record type constants.

Exception Summary
DNSException DNS package general exception, in case of packet corruption.
DNSNameException DNS domainname exception, in case of corrupt domainname data.

Package com.antiaction.dns Description

Core classes for dis/assembling DNS messages, questions and records. Also includes the various constants associated.